Dedicated Server Hosting India, Dedicated Servers India, Virtual Servers Delhi, Traditional Hosting India

Dedicated Server1

  • Processor : Intel Xeon E3-1220 3.1Ghz Quad Core
  • Hard Drive 1 : 2 x 1 TB SATA Software RAID 1 (7200 rpm)
  • Hard Drive 2 : 1 x 1 TB SATA Backup Drive (5900 rpm)
  • Memory : 16GB DDR3 SDRAM
  • Bandwidth : 5,000 GB Monthly Transfer (+100M uplink port)
  • Operating System : Linux, Windows or Ubuntu
  • IP Address : 4
  • Control Panel Option Available
  • Managed Services Available
  • Backup Options Available
  • Additional Resources Available
  • 24x7 Helpdesk Support
  • Business Day Live Chat Support
  • Business Day Phone Support
Starts from Rs.14,500/- Monthly

Please contact us today in order to learn more and official quote for Dedicated Servers!

Dedicated Server2

  • Processor : Intel Xeon E3-1270 3.7Ghz Quad Core (Hyperthreaded)
  • Hard Drive 1 : 2 x 1 TB SATA Software RAID 1 (7200 rpm)
  • Hard Drive 2 : 1 x 1 TB SATA Backup Drive (7200 rpm)
  • Memory : 16GB DDR3 SDRAM
  • Bandwidth : 5,000 GB Monthly Transfer (+100M uplink port)
  • Operating System : Linux, Windows or Ubuntu
  • IP Address : 4
  • Control Panel Option Available
  • Managed Services Available
  • Backup Options Available
  • Additional Resources Available
  • 24x7 Helpdesk Support
  • Business Day Live Chat Support
  • Business Day Phone Support
Starts from Rs.18,500/- Monthly

Please contact us today in order to learn more and official quote for Dedicated Servers!

Dedicated Server3

  • Processor : Intel Dual Xeon E5620 Quad Core (Westmere)
  • Hard Drive 1 : 2 x 1 TB SATA Software RAID 1 (7200 rpm)
  • Hard Drive 2 : 1 x 1 TB SATA Backup Drive (7200 rpm))
  • Hard Drive 3 : Single SSD Drive (120GB Crucial m4 SSD) (MySQL Drive usable in Linux Only)
  • Memory : 12GB DDR3 SDRAM
  • Bandwidth : 5,000 GB Monthly Transfer (+100M uplink port)
  • Operating System : Linux, Windows or Ubuntu
  • IP Address : 4
  • Control Panel Option Available
  • Managed Services Available
  • Backup Options Available
  • Additional Resources Available
  • 24x7 Helpdesk Support
  • Business Day Live Chat Support
  • Business Day Phone Support
Starts from Rs.22,500/- Monthly

Please contact us today in order to learn more and official quote for Dedicated Servers!

Dedicated Server Hosting

Our Dedicated Server Plans comes with flexibility to get Linux, Windows or Ubuntu Operating System and have choice to go for Fully managed* and Un-managed service. Our Servers offer unmatched Web Hosting experience as they are built-on stable, secure and fast infrastructure backed by high speed SATA Drives and RAID Protection. Customer have option to select Control Panel, Managed and Unmanaged services along with additional features and resources.

Dedicated Server Hosting Features Highlight

» High Performance Infrastructure
» Persistent Storage
» Guaranteed Resources
» Genuine Intel and AMD Physical Processor Core
» On-demand Hardware and Resource Addition
» Backed by a Generous SLA
» World Class Data Center

Data Center Features

Dedicated Servers features state-of-the-art data center facilities located in multiple regions across the United States. Within a region of the country, we may also feature numerous zones for added redundancy.

» Multiple Regions for Maximum Redundancy
» Manned 24/7 Facility with Closed Circuit Video Monitoring
» Redundant Network Infrastructure
» Multiple Generac Diesel Generators
» Multiple Powerware UPS Units
» An SSAE-16 Audit Compliant World Class Data Center

Dedicated Servers Support Features

Our Dedicated Servers are backed by 24x7x365 helpdesk support which can be initiated through email or raising a support ticket through billing. Business day live chat support and phone support is also available and make's it comfortable for customers to raise their concern during busy schedule. We truly believe and understand that support is major factor and this is what our customers are looking for and deserve. That's why, we do what we can in order to satisfy your concern by offering our best-effort-support even for issues which are out of scope of our support.(^)

» 24x7x365 Email and Helpdesk Support
» Business Day Phone and Livechat Support
» Fully Managed Virtualization Layer
» Fully Managed Network Infrastructure
» Fully Managed Hardware
» Personal Account Manager(^)
» System Level Monitoring Alerts & Notifications(^)
» Optional Managed Support(^)

(*) 30 Days Moneyback Guarantee is NOT applicable on our dedicated servers. Dedicated servers are offered with contract and minimum cancellation notice period as stated in Quotation and/or Order Form
(^) Marked features are available with Manage Support only which cost additional and can be added during or after sign-up.