Cloud Hosting India, Ubuntu Desktop India, Ubuntu Cloud Servers, Ubuntu Desktop Servers India

Cloud Hosting India Ubuntu 1GB

  • CPU - 1 vCPU Core
  • Disk - 50 GB Disk Space
  • Memory - 1GB (880MB Usable)
  • Operating System - CentOS 6.4 64-bit
  • Bandwidth - 250 GB /monthly
  • IP Address - 1
  • Control Panel Option Available
  • Managed Services Available
  • Backup Options Available
  • Additional Resources Available
  • 24x7 Helpdesk Support
  • Business Day Live Chat Support
  • Business Day Phone Support
INR Rs.3000/- Monthly

Cloud Hosting India Ubuntu 2GB

  • CPU - 1 vCPU Core
  • Disk - 100 GB Disk Space
  • Memory - 2GB (1760MB Usable)
  • Operating System - CentOS 6.4 64-bit
  • Bandwidth - 250 GB /monthly
  • IP Address - 2
  • Control Panel Option Available
  • Managed Services Available
  • Backup Options Available
  • Additional Resources Available
  • 24x7 Helpdesk Support
  • Business Day Live Chat Support
  • Business Day Phone Support
INR Rs.5000/- Monthly

Cloud Hosting India Ubuntu 4GB

  • CPU - 2 vCPU Core
  • Disk - 200 GB Disk Space
  • Memory - 4GB (3520MB Usable)
  • Operating System - CentOS 6.4 64-bit
  • Bandwidth - 500 GB /monthly
  • IP Address - 2
  • Control Panel Option Available
  • Managed Services Available
  • Backup Options Available
  • Additional Resources Available
  • 24x7 Helpdesk Support
  • Business Day Live Chat Support
  • Business Day Phone Support
INR Rs.10000/- Monthly

Ubuntu Desktop Hosting

Access your Ubuntu Desktop from anywhere in the World. A online Desktop available to you 24x7x365. Keep your files, folder and important application open and access them from whenever you like or needed. Access Ubuntu Desktop with RDP and VNC Client of your choice. Pre-installed with Open Office, Firefox, Thunderbird and several other useful applications. Ubuntu allows you to install many applications instantly using it's Software Center. Run your Spreadsheet, Word Processing files etc 24x7x365 from anywhere with just a Internet access.

About Cloud Computing and Cloud Hosting

Traditional web hosting involves an environment where resources, such as RAM, Hard Disk Space and Bandwidth are fixed and absolute. If the popularity of your website and application increases, you'll need to upgrade the hardware on your Dedicated Server or get into troublesome migration to new server with better hardware which many time not possible without downtime. Cloud Servers are different because resources can be upgraded and downgraded on demand and within less time frame. Getting new resources to your server is now simpler than ever; you can add RAM, Disk Space and Bandwidth, with a simple request. You can select the management services with control panel or get it self-managed. Backup services are also available with managed services.
Cloud Hosting India, Cloud Host India, Virtual Cloud Servers

Cloud computing in a truly high performance environment is what you can expect from us as our platform and features are unmatched amongst our peers in cloud hosting. The distributed nature of our cloud architecture allows your servers to be in-line with what you would expect with a physical dedicated server. Our Cloud servers offer the ultimate in flexible hosting. Get increase or decrease resources (RAM, Disk Space, CPUs) on your server by requesting resizing your server, or scale your infrastructure by creating an additional, identical server with the cloning feature. All Cloud servers are monitored 24x7x365 by in-house Monitoring Team which consists of highly skilled technicians specializing in service failure restoration and maintaining server stability. Backup flexibility is what you can expect from us as you may Pay-Per-Gig of Backup Storage used or buy a Preconfigured Backup Bundle Package. The choice is yours!

Cloud Hosting Features Highlight

» High Performance Cloud Server Infrastructure
» Persistent Storage
» Guaranteed Resources
» Each CPU is a Physical Processor Core
» On-demand Resource Addition and Removal
» Backed by a Generous SLA
» World Class Data Center

Data Center Features

Cloud Servers features state-of-the-art data center facilities located in multiple regions across the United States. Within a region of the country, we may also feature numerous zones for added redundancy.

» Multiple Regions for Maximum Redundancy
» Manned 24/7 Facility with Closed Circuit Video Monitoring
» Redundant Network Infrastructure
» Multiple Generac Diesel Generators
» Multiple Powerware UPS Units
» An SSAE-16 Audit Compliant World Class Data Center

Cloud Servers Support Features

Our Cloud Servers are backed by 24x7x365 helpdesk support which can be initiated through email or raising a support ticket through billing. Business day live chat support and phone support is also available and make's it comfortable for customers to raise their concern during busy schedule. We truly believe and understand that support is major factor and this is what our customers are looking for and deserve. That's why, we do what we can in order to satisfy your concern by offering our best-effort-support even for issues which are out of scope of our support.(^)

» 24x7x365 Email and Helpdesk Support
» Business Day Phone and Livechat Support
» Fully Managed Virtualization Layer
» Fully Managed Network Infrastructure
» Fully Managed Hardware
» Personal Account Manager(^)
» System Level Monitoring Alerts & Notifications(^)
» Optional Managed Support(^)

(*) 30 Days Moneyback Guarantee is limited to refund on prorata basis after deducting usages fees till the services remain active.
(^) Marked features are available with Manage Support only which cost additional and can be added during or after sign-up.