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Basic Services of Website Hosting

Hosting a website is a must for all those who wish to set up their own websites, either for business of leisure purposes. Web Hosting is a service provided to the prospective customers wherein ‘space’ is allocated to them to present their website/s.

Through web hosting, the website is uploaded to the servers that are connected to the internet 24 hours and 365 days of the year. The files are uploaded through File Transfer Protocol (FTP) or a web interface. The ‘space’ is rented to a customer wanting a website presence and of course, this comes with a price tag.

The price of website hosting depends upon the services you want to be included in the package. Nevertheless, there are some basic services which are enlisted below: 

  • Bandwidth- it is the infrastructure of Internet traffic and networking required to direct the traffic to the users of your website.
  • Storage- it is the space allocated to you in the server wherein all the data such as content, e-mails, images and others are stored in the hard disk. It is the physical disk space unique to everyone.
  • Technical Support- many technical problems may arise with the server and it is not possible for a common man to solve them. Thereby, most of the hosting service providers appoint technical staff as and when required to help the customers in need.
  • E-mail accounts- hosting providers give boxes wherein one can store received and sent emails. And in the email services, many variations are available. Talk to the service provider carefully before selecting one.
  • Scripting- such as Java. These are the programs required to run certain tasks on the websites otherwise there will be problem. The scripting support is provided to run small and essential scripts on the server.
  • Back Up- it is the most important. The back up services makes a copy of all the information contained in you website and it will help you retrieve all of them if by chance your website gets deleted.


Website hosting India gives you the power to own a piece of the ever widening cyber space. The more services you want to be included, the more expensive the hosting becomes.

 Along with the above mentioned basic services there are other commercial tools that you will require if you are setting a website for professional purposes.

 These will include business tools, sale packages and option for credit card processing. Some web hosting providers also have strict rules about what type of content should be placed, what scripting languages can be used or what functions are enabled.

 At last, do not forget to go over the privacy policies of the web hosting company in great detail. Since you have to provide personal details, see how well they are going to take care of them. There should not be a chance of misuse. 

 In all, select a company that gives the best services to you without any over charging. Get more information at www.dinsol.in.