Why Does Customers Go Away From Slow Websites?

Why Does Customers Go Away From Your Website?

The internet has become a very important tool for many businesses. It is easier to access for all people of all skill levels. These days established companies or beginning individual entrepreneur depend upon websites to earn money either by selling products or through Google Adsense.

But what if the website is not able to retain its customers. It is a terrible disaster. The basic reason for this is the tendency in people to compromise to save a few dollars that leads to a poor construction of website.

There are hundreds or perhaps thousands companies that offer website hosting. These companies allow any user to build a website with simple site builder tools. These simple site building equipments are suitable for those who wish to chronicle their experiences, share pictures or videos etc. No serious business. But, a simple amateur website for earning money can actually drive the customers away rather than retaining them to revisit again and again.

Below are the possible reasons that can take away potential customers:

  • SEO- it means Search Engine Optimization. It is the utmost vital marketing tool. Whenever somebody googles and if the site does not show up in the first few pages of the searches, then who is going to know about the site, therefore, no customers.  And even if the site is uploaded on the search engine but comes in 1000th page, then who has the time and patience to go through so many pages! So who turns out to be the end loser?
  • Poor Content- So, now that the site features in the SEO but lacks quality content. It is essential that one use good content for one’s site depending on the type of site one wished to build. Be informative, precise and logical so as to retain the reader’s interest about the products and articles which will induce the customer to buy them or at least click on the advertisements, thus increasing your revenue.
  • Loading Time- everybody wants proper utilization of time. Suppose you have a site that is running well but suddenly you notice that the number of sales or visitors is reducing. The loading time of the site can be the culprit. At the most people are willing to wait 4-5 seconds for the site to appear and if it does not, who bothers! Slow internet connection or lack of Upgradation can be the problem of slow loading. So its better to get the best and affordable web site hosting services for your web site.
  • Lack Of Proper Design Or Layout- First impression is the last impression, at least where these things come in. Visual appeal does matter to most of the people. It is better to approach a professional website developer because they have better sense of design and colour combination.

Therefore, think upon the above points and keep evaluating the website constantly to get fabulous results. A good website is essential to your business but it is better to have no website at all than to have a poor one that turns customers away. Get more information on this visit www.dinsol.in