How to setup your website on Server?

How to Set Up a Website?

There are many ways to set up a website which depends upon the work you want to do with it- personal or business. For instance, if you are interested in documenting your daily experiences by blogging then is the best option since the websites are free and you just have to create an account.

But if the intention is to make money, that is, set up a business through your website, then the hard work going into it increases manifold. The step one person uses to set up a website is completely different from another user.

Consult and take advice from variety of other sources. Do not jump into those schemes where they give you a free website but control its other functions. Gather information about web hosting and domain registration.

Below are the simple steps to set up a website:

Decide Judiciously For the Website Address And Web Hosting Account- first, be clear what the website is going to be about. The concept must be original because if one tends to replicate ideas then there is no reason why a customer should visit your site.

After deciding about the site, select a suitable web address (attractive and easy to remember URL) and find a web hosting company. It is better to get the website address and web hosting from the same company which saves time and reduces other hassles.

The Necessary Website Template- based on the content of the website, make a picture in your mind as to how you want the website to look- colour and layout; whether it should have a professional touch or be a little playing around with colours. Make a logo if you want one, and add pictures and navigation areas.

After doing so, browse through the thousands of pre-made templates available in the internet. You can speed up this process when making a website by either generating ideas from other people's websites or by using one of the existing free website templates.

There are sites that host number of them. Consider the options and download the one you deem best for your site. After downloading, use software to customize it according to your wishes.

Software For The Site- There are hundreds of different pieces of software available to help to make a website quickly and easily. These range in price from free up to several hundred dollars and the best bet is to download some free trials and see what you like the look of best.

Examples of software you might like are Joomla, FrontPage, Dreamweaver abd some of the online web builders like those available at Site Build It and Website Wizard.

The best thing is to familiarize yourself with the software so that you do not have to seek help every now and then.

Adding The Text- after completing the above procedures, what remains is just to add the text (content), photographs, videos, almost anything you like. Upload them to your web hosting account for a final test.

Everything is ready now! For more information visit our website